Why Vote For Vickie?

Discover What Makes Vickie Unique

Vickie Conklin is a leader with a passion for the community’s success. She has a proven track record of effective leadership and a vision for a better future. Her strong work ethic sets her apart from the rest.

Vickie Conklin Put’s People First

Are you tired of seeing the citizens of Titusville taking a back seat to the interest of developers? Sick of our town being turned into a “sea of apartments” so big business can get rich off our backs? So is Vickie! Watch this new video…

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Why Vote For Vickie?

Discover What Makes Vickie Unique Vickie Conklin is a leader with a passion for the community’s success. She has a proven track record of effective

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Meet The Candidate

Vickie Speaks at “Meet The Candidate” “Meet the candidate” was hosted by Tom Erdman of Sherwood Estates hosted this event May 11th to give both

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Calendar of Events

Join us at our upcoming events! Some will be open to the public and others may be restricted. If you’d like to attend and have a question please let us know!

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