Meet The Candidate

Vickie Speaks at "Meet The Candidate"

“Meet the candidate” was hosted by Tom Erdman of Sherwood Estates hosted this event May 11th to give both local and area residents an opportunity to hear what all the local candidates seeking office had to say about their campaign goals.

Vickie was pleased to have been invited and it was nice to meet so many of you “face to face.” She always welcomes the opportunity to tell you her story, let you know where she stands on issues and to let you know about the changes she plans on making right here in our home town of Titusville!

If you’d like to have Vickie speak or attend your group’s meeting please let us know and if possible we’ll put it on the schedule.

Just click the button below to go to our contact form, fill out your information and one of our planning staff members will get back to you.

Would you like to find out more about what Vickie is doing? Click the articles below...

Calendar of Events

Join us at our upcoming events! Some will be open to the public and others may be restricted. If you’d like to attend and have a question please let us know!

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Why Vote For Vickie?

Discover What Makes Vickie Unique Vickie Conklin is a leader with a passion for the community’s success. She has a proven track record of effective

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Vickie Conklin Put’s People First

Are you tired of seeing the citizens of Titusville taking a back seat to the interest of developers? Sick of our town being turned into a “sea of apartments” so big business can get rich off our backs? So is Vickie! Watch this new video…

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Meet The Candidate

Vickie Speaks at “Meet The Candidate” “Meet the candidate” was hosted by Tom Erdman of Sherwood Estates hosted this event May 11th to give both

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